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limping piggy

22 9:12:33

slumber party 1
slumber party 1
I have a year old female spayed pot belly, Moo is her name, and she began limping recently and favoring her one front hoof. I just tucked her into her bed, and noticed there is some slight bleeding if you are looking at her hoof from the front it is right in that split where the hoof separates into two.  She is really favoring it, but is still eating, toileting outside, wagging her tail, wanting to do tricks, etc.  But she is lying down alot and we have another pot belly, also spayed, 2 years old, Jemima is her name.  Jem is quite a bit larger than Moo and does sometimes "pick" on her a bit, so I am not sure if she stepped on her foot or anything. I can not see anything stuck in it, they are house pigs and we have a small fenced in yard with only grass.  Any advice or have you heard of this?  Am scared it could get infected, or split up further than it should.  You have been a great help to me before and I look forward to hearing from you.

I am not a veterinarian, to me this sounds like a minor injury. It might have been from stepping on something sharp like a twig, or from stepping funny on a deck or step that somehow pulled the hoofies apart. Or, it could be really dry skin that cracked.

You can use any skin product made for people on your pig. Pig skin and human skin are so much alike that pig skin is used to treat human burn victims. Also, there's no risk of a pig licking something off his skin, the way a dog or cat might.

Clean the foot with ordinary soap and water, or any antibacterial soap, or hydrogen peroxide. If you're concerned about infection, you can apply any antibacterial ointment. Any moisturizing lotion will work to keep the feet from drying and cracking again.

Signs of infection include swelling, oozing pus, or bad smells.