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pig not taking its formula

22 9:14:43

my potbelly is just 2 weeks old sshe has been bottle fed since birth all her other sibbings died at birth we have been feeding goats milk with gerber rice cereal mixed thinnly in baby bottle she was fine llast night at 11 pm but this morning we can not get her to drink anything she will not nurse her bottle at all and refuses to take anything in her mouth we tried using a dropper to give her something to keep her from getting dehydrated she just lays around and stays on her heating pad and sleeps we do not have a vet in our small area that deals with potbelly so what should I do she is not using the bathroom and seems to have fever

I am not a vet and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

Babies need to be kept warm, try covering her as she lays on her pad. I am assuming that she has gone potty in the past but has stopped now? Try rubbing her belly to warm her up and stimulate her muscles. Also try giving her a bit of Pedialyte to counteract any dehydration.

If your baby is running a fever she really needs to see a vet. There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs here , I suggest calling the ones closest to you, they may know of someone nearer that sees pigs. Or they may be willing to consult with your regular vet over the phone.