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Baby 5 days old born with balance problems

22 9:14:42

Helen, We just had our first litter 5 days ago (all girls).
one of our piggy's keeps falling over and shakes.  We took her to the vet.  She thought she maybe had meningitis, and ruled out joint infection. She is on a strong antibiotic injection daily for 5 days.  She is getting stronger and can stand or walk a few step along or with my help in keeping her balanced. The remainder of the litter are strong, fat and are all over the place. The vet said that if the amitotic worked there would be a fairly rapid change. She has now had 4 injections, she does nurse and I supplement feeding to make sure she is getting adequate nutrition.
We hate to have her put down too soon, on the other hand we don't want to have a pig on our hands that cannot function.
As an experienced breeder what do you think we should do? Thank
you in advance for taking the time to respond. Kay

Hi Kay,

I think you might have intended this question to go to the other pig expert, because I am not a breeder. I work in rescue.

I'm not a veterinarian and nobody can give a valid medical diagnosis over the internet. So I am guessing that your vet checked for Myoclonia congentia, the common symptoms are weakness in the rear legs, walking on flexed joint and body tremors, so it's commonly called Shaky Pig Syndrome. The usual treatment is Vitamin E/Selenium (Bo-Se) and antibiotics.

Clinical research shows most swine babies with Shaky Pig will outgrow it.