Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > connstipated minature potbellied pig

connstipated minature potbellied pig

22 9:13:41

My 4 month old potbellied pig Ziggy is constipated.  I gave him extra lettuce and some raisins but that has not helped.  Do you have any suggestions?
Thank You

Canned pumpkin helps pigs recover from occasional bouts of constipation. If the pig is not used to riding in a car, a car ride can also help loosen things up.

Constipation is often caused by mild dehydration. If piggy is prone to constipation, put a little juice in his drinking water to encourage him to drink more. Or you can add a little bit of warm water to his pellets. Adding water to pellets makes them swell up, so it seems like more food than it really is.