Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > minature pig squeals alot

minature pig squeals alot

22 9:11:21

I dont know exactly what kind of pig a have, I saw the mom and dad who were both about the size of a staffishire terrier, mom was white with black spots, dad was black, my little female is pure black. We got her at 6 weeks old and have had her for 2 weeks. she is now 15 cm high. Whenever we try to get close to her, or hold her on our lap her whole body tenses up and she squeals fit to burst our eardrums! Is this normal? Other than this she seems quite content, I have a collar and lead for her, and once we get over the squealing session to get the lead on, she happily roots around in the garden on the lead and only squeals when I try to pull her along in a direction that she does not want to go in... I want to know if we should perservere in trying to get her used to being handled, or if it will do psycological damage to her?? Sometimes she sounds like she is being killed! Also, what kind of pig is she?

All piglets are different but there are techniques that work better than others.
Please go to and order their Infinity Plus Training Harness/Leash Combination.
It comes with a link to a training video that will teach you how to handle your piglet and build her confidence.
Hope this helps,