Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > pigwater


22 9:17:13

QUESTION: Thanks for the opportunity to ask my questions (2), Priscilla.  I placed 'Bino's ("Bambino," Italian for "Babe"--and me a vegetarian!)water bowl inside a tire to make it more stable, but whether he's gotten thirsty and the level has dropped or he's just looking for a pigskinnydip when I haven't drawn his mudbath, he sometimes tips the bowl inside and I find it nearly empty.  The tire might be a bit too high, methinks.  Is there a drinking aparatus that is at just the right height without sacrificing stability (otherwise, I find his bowl across his yard and often overturned as well)?

Also, unfortunately, at four (or is it five now?) years of age, he still hasn't been neutered.  I volunteer for a low-cost spay/neuter clinic, and our vet says he wouldn't touch that project with a ten-foot pole!  'Bino doesn't seem to be affected by his "condition," but I'm thinking, what about when he gets to be an old manbino?

thanks for lots


ANSWER:  We use the largest heaviest dog bowl sold at PetsMart with tipped sides.
We urgently suggest you neuter this pig.
Are you sure he isn't already neutered?
Unneutered pigs smell bad and mount everything....
P. Valentine

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oink you very mush for your fast reply.  I Plan a visit to petsmart to look into their bowls.  

When I moved 'Bino into his new yard, I left behind the remains of an old loveseat that had been in his old one.  For some reason, he seemed disconsolate in the new environment until I re-united them.  Later, I discovered him demonstrating the "love" aspect of his affection, thus getting to the seat of the issue!  But his "interest" isn't that frequent, he isn't pushy or frothy (unless he expects food) and he doesn't smell bad at all (won't go so far as to say he smells sweet!), but I'm 98.7% sure he ain't "fixed."  Guess my Q is, is a piglet ever too old to do the deed?

Thanks again, very much.


Males can be castrated at any age. It is a much, much less invasive prodedure than a spay, for example. The testicles are not inside the main body cavity. It is fast and simple, but must be done by a vet in potbellied pigs.
We certainly would suggest it.
You must be a trooper to put up with "boar antics"!
Priscilla Valentine