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Question about pig sizes

22 9:14:02

I am getting a baby pot bellied pig soon. I was wondering if a neutered male is smaller than a non-neutered male, and how the size of a neutered male compares to the size of a spayed female.


The sex of a pig has nothing to do with adult size. The size of a pig depends mostly on the size of the pigs parents when they are age 4 or 5.

Pigs grow quickly until they are about age 2, then slowly until they are full adult size at about age 4. Pigs can have babies when they are as young as 9 months old. If a one year old pig has piglets, she will still continue to grow for three more years after her babies are born.

A pig with two larger parents will probably be a larger pig, regardless of sex. A pig with two smaller parents will probably be a smaller pig, regardless of sex.

Intact males do not make good pets. They have only one thing on their mind and hump continuously. They foam at the mouth, and secrete an odor that female pigs adore, but most people think the smell is strong and unpleasant. Intact males have very high energy levels, are very active, and are more interested in humping than in food, so their bodies are more muscular, but not bigger or smaller.