Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Baby pig wont eat

Baby pig wont eat

22 9:14:02

We just picked up a pot belly pig that is about 5 weeks old. She will drink water, uses the litter box fine, and seems very excited and happy but she wont eat on her own. She was eating fine out of a bowl at the farm where we got her but since we brought her home she wont eat out of the bowl. We are able to feed her with a syringe currently but we were wondering if there is any way to help encourage her to eat on her own.


Your baby has just been taken away from everything she's every known, and thrust into a strange, new place, surrounded by strange, new people. If she was eating from a bowl at the farm, she can eat from a bowl now, she's just a little too upset and frightened.

Syringe and bottle feeding aren't recommended, because it's easy to accidentally force fluids into the lungs, leading to complications like pneumonia.

Piggy needs a quiet, safe space where she can relax from all the new, confusing things around her. Put the bowl of food with her in the quiet place, and leave her alone for a few hours. After she's calmed down a bit she'll eat.