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cryporchid testicles

22 9:14:40

I have a potbelly pig that I'm not sure is neutered He has no visible testicles. What percentage of males would be cryptorchid. He is an outside pet that just came to our home.

I was not able to find any concrete statistics, but the problem of one cryptorchid testicle is not unusual in pot-bellied pigs. Two chryptorchid testicles is rare.

Male pot-bellied pigs have a pouch located in the middle of the belly called the preputial diverticulum. This sack collects urine and fluids and a large or active sack, such as that on an intact boar, or a pig neutered recently as an adult, gives the pig that "boar odor" that female pigs love.

All male pot-bellied pigs grow tusks. Neutered males grow tusks slowly. An intact males tusks will begin to protrude past the lip when the pig is about 6 months old, a pig neutered as a piglet will be about age 2 to 2-1/2 before his tusks poke out past the lip.'

Intact males hump constantly and compulsively. They can't stop if they wanted to. Intact males or pigs neutered as an adult may also have heavy skin "armor" on their shoulders.