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jealousy causing biting?

22 9:15:40

We recently decided to adopt a 4 month old piglet. when we tried to introduce her to our 2 year old female, our two year old got very snarly and bit my leg. i was holding the piglet. luckily i was wearing high boots so they now have a nice gash in them. i put the piglet away and came back and sat with the two year old, scratching her belly and calming her down. but from that point on she has been very angry every time she see's me. to the point, yesterday i went to the fence to great her when i came home and she charged and snapped at my hand trying to bite me through the gate. when i stepped back and my husband stepped forward she was fine and grunted and walked away.... she is my baby and i love her dearly, however now I'm spooked. i feel as though she is mad at me for bringing another pig into the house and she's not going to put up with it. could this be true?

Pigs have a pecking order.
The newest pig must fight with the older pig. Once the piglet retreats, peace will prevail.
You should let them fight it out, but monitor it.
What your older pig is doing is natural.
Monitor the fights untl the little pig retreats and respects the older pig.
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