Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Baby pigs not taking bottle

Baby pigs not taking bottle

22 9:14:25

I am really hoping you can help me. My sal just had 13 baby pigs, but out of the 13 only 4 survived. During birth, there was a record breaking blizzad so we could not get the vt out to the farm. We are lucky we saved the four we have. The vet came out just this morning and checked out the sal. The sal looks like she is producing milk, but really is not. She told us to bottle feed the babies so I tried. When i tried, the babies wouldnt take anything. I tried the dish tray too, but that doesnt seem to be working. I really have no clue what to do. Please help me. Any advice would help.
  Thanks a whole lot,

The babies will not eat if they are too cold. Babies need temps in the mid 90s to be comfortable.

Because your vet verified that Sal is not producing milk, it's ok to take the babies from her. Bring them indoors and put them in a bath tub lined with bath towels, and put heat lamps on one side.

When the babies are warm, try again, with slightly warm (not hot) goats milk, with a tiny bit of honey or dextrose. I am assuming these babies are a day old or less. Anytime babies do not get milk from Mom they will need colostrum, I am assuming your vet gave that when he examined them.