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dry skin on mini pot belly indoor pig

22 9:17:21

What type of lotion or conditioner can I buy at a pet store safe for my pigs dry itchy skin?

Pot-bellied pigs naturally have dry, flaky skin. The condition is often worse when the pigs are blowing their coats (shedding old bristles and growing new ones). Mange mites also make skin flaky and itchy.

Most people use an inexpensive or generic brand human lotion on their pigs. Human skin and pig skin is so similar that pig skin is used for skin grafts on human burn victims. Anything that's ok to use on people is ok to use on pigs. Dogs and cats lick themselves, they swallow whatever is placed on their skin. Pigs don't do that. Skin lotion placed on a pig's skin stays on the skin.

Many people prefer Avon Skin So Soft. Many people also insist it has bug repellent properties, but Avon corporation says that's an urban legend. Corn Huskers and Udder Cream are excellent, inexpensive lotions. Corn Huskers gives pigs a nice glow.

Bag Balm is one of the most popular skin cream for animals. Heartland Products also makes some skin creams formulated specifically for pot-bellied pigs, as well as food, treats, supplements and accessories