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pot belly piggie

22 9:18:01

my pig, i belive she is around 1 yr old. For the past month she has been walking funny on her back hind leg. We trimmed her hooves but there is no difference. she lays down constantly unless i get her up to move her. I had the vet out and he gave her some antibotics. It made no difference. what should i do?

Based on the information in your note, I'm a little surprised the vet offered antibiotics. Lameness is usually due to hoof problems, injuries or arthritis, antibiotics will not help these conditions. Normally NSAIDs, or Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, such as Rimadyl, are given. A 1 year old pig is very young to have arthritis.

Obese pigs often have trouble moving around. If piggie is overweight, simply going on a diet and loosing the extra pounds will help. Her belly should not drag on the ground. When looking down at her from above, her body should be fairly even along both sides, if her belly bulges like she's swallowed a ball, she's too heavy. When pigs get fat, even their faces get fat, making it hard to see. Her eyes should be visible.

Slippery floors, climbing stairs and jumping on and off furniture can cause stress injuries. Cover slippery floors with bath or rubber mats. If she must climb stairs, provide her with a sturdy, non-slip ramp instead. If she's jumping on and off furniture to snuggle with you, try snuggling on the floor on padded cushions or a large pet bed. If she sleeps on your bed, try getting her to sleep on the floor, or give her a ramp or single step so she can get up more easily.

Make sure all her hooves are trimmed smoothly and evenly. Look for cracks or chips or signs of swelling.

The next step may be X-rays, to see what is happening inside the leg. Pigs have delicate hips and there may be joint damage.