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training and petting

22 9:15:46

I just adopted a 13 week old mini pot belly pig. His name is Sill, about 4 or 5 lbs.
We put pine pellets in a litter box and he does his business right on the side of it. We tried putting the waste in the box so he would see it and that hasn't worked. Also, he will not let us pet him.He squeals when we try to pet him and runs away. He was neutered about 4 days ago (before he was shipped to us). We have only had him for 2 days. Are we rushing it? Thanks

I use pine pellets in all of my litter boxes. Is that what he was used to before you got him?
It is possible that he wasn't use to using a litter box before you brought him home?
Just keep him in a small area with his box and he should get the idea.
As far as handling him.  The very best training method for new piglets is the Infinity Plus Training Harness/Leash and DVD.
You can order it on the web site. Just go to their product page.
It will really speed up his confidence about being handled
Good luck with him,