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Pig claw ripped off

22 9:17:12

Hi there,
Our one year old baby found a way to get to the neighbors yard, and somehow ripped her entire back claw (pigletto) off.. It bled really bad, and is just an exposed quick.  What can i do for her and can i give her baby aspirin to help with the pain.  I got it to stop bleeding, but it looks really painful.. I dont want it to get infected.

Oh, I bet that hurts! Poor piggy!
I am a little confused if she ripped her dew claw off or her hoof.
I am assuming it is her dew claw, but my advice is similar.
Giving her aspirin will cause it to bleed more because it thins the blood. So it is a judgement call.
If all bleeding has stopped, you can give her 325 mg of aspirin per 75# of pig,  (NO Tylenol) on a full tummy or with food. Keeping her off the foot works best, apply Neosporin ointment  for infection.
Many pigs lose a dew is painful but it will grow back just fine. I have not heard of one getting infected...
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine