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First litter handling

22 9:18:17

We adopted a pregnant sow of which we have no background knowledge of. She had 6 piggy March 31 and as soon as we determine the sexes the males will be castrated. Is it too late to cut the needle teeth now (17 days old)? Mom is very aggressive - we cannot touch her or the piggies. They have their own stall for feeding and sleeping but otherwise they are free roaming among my goats and mini-donkeys. When should I remove them from Mom and can I expect Mom to ever be socialized and how?  She knows I'm the feed person as she retreats to her stall when she sees me but otherwise, there is no acceptance from her. She still lunges at me if I approach her or the piggies.

Mom can be socialized, and you can start right away. It will take some time and effort.

When it's time for her to eat, fill her food dish and sit down next to it. Talk to her and the babies. Let her approach. She might take a few minutes to decide to come and eat. If, after about 20 minutes, she does not come to eat, pick up the food and leave. Wait a few minutes, then go back, put the bowl down, and sit down next to it, talk to her, and wait for her to come and eat.

Once she's s eating next to you, try touching her very gently. Say "Touch --" and her name, and where you're touching, back, shoulder, chin. She might jump or back away the first couple of times, but keep at it. Spend at least 20 minutes with her at each meal. Let the babies come to you the same way.

If she shows any signs of aggression towards you, push her away with your hands on her head or shoulder, or if she is large and strong, your foot on her shoulder. But do not hit or kick!

It's easy to tell the boys from the girls just by watching. The boys pee from the center of the belly, they stand with all four legs apart. Girls pee from under the tail, and squat at they pee.

I am not a vet, and I strongly urge you to consult one about the piglet's health care. It is my understanding that the needle teeth are soft at birth but grow brittle and difficult to cut.