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piggys havings accidents in the house

22 9:14:42

my pig is 17 yrs old, she now has decided to start going to the bathroom, number 1, in her room.  why is this? how can I get her to stop? she used to go out twice a day, 12 hours a part.  Now it is every 6 hours.

I am not a veterinarian and can't make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

Usually when an older pig, and 17 is quite old, chooses a new potty spot closer to their bed, it's due to arthritis. The pain and stiffness make it difficult for them to get up and walk like they used to.

Going more frequently is a different issue. A change in diet can cause a change in potty habits. If her diet hasn't changed, this may be a symptom of something serious. Lots of problems can cause a change in potty habits, including tumors, ulcers or kidney issues.

Your vet can prescribe medication for the stiffness and figure out what caused her habits to change. There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs here