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my 2 pot belly pigs

22 9:14:27

I have a 7 month old female and just got a neutered male and want to put them together. When they first met they started to fight and kind of just walked around each other. How long will this go on when will I not have to worry about one of them getting hurt....thanks

Pigs don't always get along with new pigs right away. Pigs see the world as a ladder, and each pig, person or other pet has a place on that ladder. Your two pigs have to decide between themselves who is going to be the dominant one. The best thing to do is put them together, leave them alone, and let them settle it. The fighting often bothers pig owners, so it's ok to walk away and not watch. Leave them alone for about 10 to 20 minutes, chances are the worst of the fighting will be over by then. The larger pig will probably be the dominant one, at least for now.

Pigs don't reach emotional and mental maturity until they are about age 2 or 2-1/2. At that point, pigs instinctively try to climb their social ladder. So you might see some skirmishes between the two when they reach that age, and they may switch positions.