Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > for a senior PBP i will be fostering can i use a heated floor mat

for a senior PBP i will be fostering can i use a heated floor mat

22 9:16:48

hog breeder heated floor mat in her shed .In NY it can get very cold...
they generate safe heat in barns for newborn piglets in breeding facilities.
I figures it would be something we can use on the very cold days since she is
a outdoor pig..
also i am told she is not friendly and is mated with poop on her back end. do
i leave her alone and cross that issue later or do we try to clean her up as best
as we can. i dont want to cause her to much stress.. also any on meds and
older pig should have ..she has had no vet care.....
she arrives in a few days....  

We use heated floor mats, just be sure to follow instructions. Since she IS an outdoor pig, she may not need it.
We would not stress her with a bath.
In a few days, if she will let you brush her, that will get rid of poop in hair.
But for now, as you already seem to know, no stress is good.
BLESS you for taking her on!
She needs to be wormed with 2 shots of Ivermectin, 14 days apart, will also kill sarcoptic mange mites.
Quarantine for a month from other pigs.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine