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4 week old pot belly pig

22 9:12:14

I am having trouble feeding her which is worrying me. Whats the best way to feed my Roxi?

A four week old piglet is old enough to eat by herself, although she may not know quite how.

Start by giving her room temperature or slightly warm, NOT hot, goat milk or sow replacement formula (if you can get it quickly), in a shallow pan or dish. If she ignores the dish completely, try putting a drop of vanilla in it, and leave her alone for a few minutes. Sometimes the stress of having new people around makes it hard for piglets to figure out how to eat. When she starts drinking the milk, let her have as much as she wants.

Add starter pellets to the milk, a few at a time. Add a few more at each meal. When the pellet-milk mix starts to look like oatmeal, begin reducing the amount of milk at each meal until she's eating dry pellets. Or you can switch gradually from milk to water and continue feeding her moist pellets. Some pigs prefer that.

You can give her fresh vegetables and fruits, cut in small pieces, right along with the pan of milk. She may not eat a particular food on the first try, she may just put it in her mouth, roll it around, and spit it out. That's ok and perfectly normal, just offer more at the next meal.

When she's on pellets, she should be getting some fresh veggies or outside grazing time every day.