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Feeding my pot belly pig

22 9:12:32

I don't have access in my area to a pot-belly pig food, and the cost of shipping it is prohibitive. We do have a feed store, and I am wondering if I can mix hog food and horse feed? Or even mix my own? I know I can buy bags of grains/oats etc and would be willing to do that. We live on 4.5 acres, that is half grass and half woods, so the piggy spends a lot of time rooting around. Your assistance is appreciated : )

The stuff inside the bag is more important that the name on the outside. Complete horse pellets, not "sweet feed", and some hog chows are fine. Sweet horse feed contains molasses and sugars, to make it appealing for the horses, but it also is very fattening for the piggies.

Look for a food that is low in protein (ideally 12% or less) and low in fat. Feed that has "real" ingredients first on the list, like alfalfa or oats, is better than a feed that lists "grain products" first. Also, it's best to avoid feeds that have "animal products" or "animal by products" on the ingredient list. Corn and cracked corn are also fattening, so ideally they should be lower on the ingredient list.

If your piggy gains too much weight on a commercial feed, mix plain rolled oats with the feed. 1/8 to 1/4 cup oats to 1 cup pellets is good.

A piglet 15 lb or less should get 1/2 cup of pellets per day, broken into two meals. For older piglets, give them 1/2 cup per 15 lb of piglet. Pigs age 2 and older will likely need a bit less, especially if they spend a lot of time outside rooting and grazing.