Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > mother wont feed young.

mother wont feed young.

22 9:13:01

My pot bellied pig just had babies. She won't feed them or take care of them. I have been told they need a special milk the first time they eat which is in mothers milk. What do I to when she refuses to feed them?

Colostrum in the mothers milk provides protection against bacteria, viruses, diseases, etc. Baby piglets are born with very little antibiotic protection, it comes from the colostrum in the first servings of mother's milk. Contact your vet for medication to make up for the lack of colostrum.

The best thing to feed the babies is sow replacement formula or goat milk. Offer it in a shallow pan, at room temperature or slightly warmer. You can add a bit of honey to it for taste and to protect against hypoglycemia. Goat milk is available, fresh, powdered and canned from most health food stores. Sow replacement formula is available from feed suppliers and

Because these babies didn't get their colostrum, watch them carefully for any signs of illness. Get them to a vet promptly if they show signs of listlessness, fever or diarrhea.