Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > sucking noise?

sucking noise?

22 9:11:13

My pot belly pig is making a smacking, sucking noise at random times. she is 3 1/2 weeks old, almost 4 weeks. She is eating Mazuri pig food, and various treats, such as raisins and cheerios. She does this when she's going to sleep too. Any advise you could give, will be appreciated! Thank you, Susan.

I need my mom!!!!!
I need my mom!!!!!  
What are you doing with a 3 1/2 week old piglet?   She needs to still be with her mother.  She needs her mothers milk and dicipline.  The sounds she is making is because she still needs to be nursing.  She is too young for all the other food you are giving her.
You should take her back to the breeder and make them keep her until she is 6 to 7 weeks and has been weaned properly.
Please......whoever else reads this......Don't let breeders sell you a piglet this young.  Airlines are not supposed to ship them until they are at least 8 weeks old.....there is a good reason for this!
Piglet that are taken away from the sow too young (under 6 weeks of age) form bad habits.  They need to nurse at least that long and they learn a a lot of manners from the mom and other how not to bite you for one!