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baby potbellies

22 9:15:40

I have 2 potbelly piglets that i have had to feed from day 1. They were born on June 7th. They were doing very good, but they still don't want solid foods, I'm having a hard time finding stuff they will eat.Mostly they are eating a mixture of baby rice or oatmeal cereal. One of them acts as though here tummy hurts she keeps her back feet drawn under her and looks like she is trying to poop but she hasn't at all today. What can I do to get her to go, she is urinating.

For the constipation try a little prune juice mixed in with cereal.
When mixing the cereal use Pediasure instead of water.  That will help them stay hydrated.
Piglets need calcium and vit/mins also.
You might try the Infinity Plus Starter Chow and Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.
 You can order them from  Just go to their product page.
I hope this helps.