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Introducing Pot Belly Pigs

22 9:17:34

I have the Love of my life , Charlotte. A 3 1/2 year Pot Belly Pig. I got her at the tender age of 3 days old , she was the runt and wasn't nursing and they didnt want to nurse her.  I got her and she was down and in shock and i put fluids under her skin and she came around and now shes a 105 pound hog. I just got a 14 week old male pot belly given to me who i just had neutered and i am not sure how to let them together. I been putting him in a fenced in area and let her sniff him and shes not crazzy about him. They live in the house and go to work with me everyday.

Great questions!
Pigs have a pecking order.
Unfortunately, they must "fight it out" in order to decide who is Top Hog! The good news is that once a pig gives into the other, they will
be pals. More good news...because of the size difference in your pigs, the baby will give in quickly.
But they MUST work it out themselves.
So, you need to let them meet outside, so the baby does not get "trapped". Monitor them, but the baby will pester the adult until she attacks.
She will not hurt the baby, probably, burt scare her off. That is good... (but monitor)
This will happen several times until he learns to respect the older pig.
The sooner the baby learns the big pig is Top Hog, the sooner they will be pals.
Please consider our book, the ONLY book on potbellied pig behavior, sold at
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine