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22 9:14:11

what r the good visible physical characteristic of a good growing pig

Straight legs and clear eyes. A solid body, no ribs or hip bones protruding, but not overweight. Strong, glowing hooves, no cracks or chips or splits. Young pigs are curious and energetic. A lethargic pig is not a healthy pig. A healthy pig spends a lot of time rooting.

During the heyday of pot-bellied pig shows in the 1990s, breeders established the following guidelines


The general appearance of a Potbellied Pig is a structurally symmetrical animal, free of obvious defect, short of leg, with smooth flowing lines, pronounced potbelly, swayed back, erect ears, and a straight tail.

Measured at the Shoulders, the high point of the shoulders, with legs straight underneath. The maximum acceptable height is 18 inches with ideal height being less than 14 inches.

In acceptable proportion to height. WEIGHT: The maximum acceptable weight is 95 pounds with the ideal weight being less than 50 pounds. HEAD: Ears@ Small, erect and somewhat flat. Nose: Short to medium length and in proportion to the head: allowing for free passage of air when breathing normally. Eyes: Deep and wide-set, clear of varying color except red (evident of albinism). Jowl: Should be obvious and in proportion to head. Bite@ Even and correct, not over-shot or under-shot.

Back should be swayed through the saddle, Shoulder should slope evenly from side to side. Neck should be shot-t. Rump should flow gently to the base of the tail. Tail should be straight and of medium length with a switch on the end. The belly, viewed from the side, should be obviously rounded but not exaggerated or touching the ground. When viewed for the top, the belly should not round from the backbone and should have only a slight lateral protuberance. Teats, at least five pairs, should be evenly spaced.

Legs should be wide-set and standing well on the pasterns. Feet should stand squarely with two toes of equal length on each foot, pointing forward,

Wrinkles may or may not be present. Hair will lay evenly over the back with seasonal variation. Colors: Black, white, black and white, silver, red, or spotted.

All potbellied pigs should be tractable and non-aggressive.