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Heated pig house

22 9:12:05

Would it be safe to mount a heat lamp in my pot belly pigs house?

It depends. Heat lamps can be dangerous. Most barn or outbuilding fires are started by heat lamps.

The building needs to be large enough for the bedding to stay a safe distance from any hot elements in the heater, and for piggy to move away if it gets too hot or uncomfortable. The goal is to keep piggy warm, not roast him alive, and heat lamps can cause blistering burns.

The wiring that brings power to the lamp needs to withstand the weather. Frayed wires can cause sparks that start fires. The plugs must be secure in the socket, and kept dry. Moisture in the connection can cause shorts that blow fuses or circuit breakers. If you're running an extension cord outside, it must be one designed for outdoor use.

A heat lamp won't help much if the shelter is not dry or windproof. Wind and water proofing make all the difference. A sheet of thick plastic or rubber mats can be laid over a roof. Bales of straw stacked along the outsides blocks wind and helps insulate. Plus, it's inexpensive and recyclable.

You can even take the straw idea one step further by surrounding the house with bales of straw high as the roof. Lay a big piece of plywood over the top, put more bales on that, and cover the whole thing with plastic. It's not the prettiest house, but it will be very warm.

If the floor of the house is mud or dirt, lay plywood on the dirt and cover it with rubber mats or the rubber flooring made for garage floors. The floor can be raised up a bit by putting old wooden pallets on the dirt, then plywood and rubber mats.