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pot belly pig has a swollen belly

22 9:12:05

I have 6 week old male pot belly pig, I have been feeding him apple, celery, and carrots for the past 2 weeks until my pet store could order the pig food in(mazuri mini-pig youth) I have been giving him that for 2 days now and today I notice the his belly is swollen and hard, he his pee and pooping ok. Need help

Your piglet needs a special feed and good instructions for feeding him.
It is very easy to over feed him and get get the correct nutrition to him.
He is probably over eating now so he should get smaller amounts of feed per serving.
Your piglet was weaned to young.  He needed his mothers milk longer and then gradually weaned over time so he was eating properly before you took him home.  The breeders should have sent the feed he was use to eating while he was being weaned.
The best feed for him is from the web site.  It comes to you fresh each month and has all the nutrition that your piglet will need.  Get the Starter Chow and the Vit/MIns and you will be in good shape for a healthy piglet.
You can write to them and they will answer all of your feeding questions.
Good luck,