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Teaching my pig to sit

22 9:14:39

I have the Priscilla Valentine book and it states that the best way to teach your piglet to sit is by using a wall and holding food above his head. This is not working because my pig continues to jump up to try to get the food rather than sit down. I have tried a few times after meals like priscilla suggests but this method it not really working. He seems to be taking the shortest route to food like she says pigs do. Do you have any other suggestions to try make him learn to sit? Thanks in advance!!

Sounds like you have an energetic piglet!

First, don't let piggy actually have the treat until he's sitting. If he gets the treat when he jumps up, he's being rewarded for the jump and will continue to jump. If you're telling him to sit, but he gets the treat by jumping, he's also going to think the word "sit" means "jump". So, no treat until he's finished jumping and finally sitting.

Use a small treat that you can easily enclose in your hand when he jumps, so that he can not take it. A single Cheerio or raisin will work. Don't pull or jerk your hand away, just close the treat inside your hand so he can not take it. Continue to move your hand downward, low and towards the back of his head, so that he has to sit back to get his mouth near it. But do not let him have that treat until he is sitting. Keep telling him to sit and when he finally does praise him & give him the treat.