Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Is neuturing a must for a miniture pot belly Pig?

Is neuturing a must for a miniture pot belly Pig?

22 9:15:38

Hi We are considering purchasing a miniature pot belly pig from a breeder. Everywhere I have read they say the male must be neutered is this true? If he is not neutered them he "will hump everything in site" this true & how long will it last? Basically this answer will be our decision maker. Thanks you.

Intact male pot-bellied pigs do not make good house pets for a lot of reasons.

Intact male pigs secrete a smelly, oily substance that female pigs love, but most humans find it strong and unpleasant. This scent will cling to anything the male humps, it's his way of marking his territory.

Intact male pigs hump anything and everything. If they aren't sleeping or eating, they're humping. It begins at about 5 weeks of age, with 15 to 20 minute hump sessions. As the piglet grows, so does the interest in humping, it isn't unusual for a 6 month old intact male to hump a ball or bucket for 3 or 4 solid hours on end. The humping continues until the pig is neutered or dies. Even old, feeble pigs who can barely stand hump their bedding.

This hormone driven behavior makes it difficult for them to concentrate on training, and difficult for the pig owner to teach good manners.

Intact male pot-bellied pigs also grow large tusks very quickly, protruding well beyond the lip at age 6 months, and their tusks require frequent trimming. A neutered male will not exhibit tusks beyond the lip until age 2 or 3, and may need a tusk trim only once every 5 years or so.