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Pigs bathroom habits

22 9:13:05

I have a 6 month old PBP that I've had for a few weeks. I keep her in a spare bathroom at night and sometimes during the day, when we're not home. She has no problem with going #2 in the walk in shower, that I designated as her 'potty'. But it seems that she pees pretty much where ever she wants. She goes all over the floor in the bathroom and doesn't seem to think twice before peeing anywhere else in the house. I started her out going on puppy pads (which is what her previous owners used), she mostly just shredded them but when she did go on them i would move them into the shower, where I wanted her to pee. I'm not there to 'move' her to the correct spot when goes on the bathroom floor. Do you  have any tips for getting her to go in the correct place?

Is your piggy spayed? If not, she may be in heat. Pigs in heat often "forget" their potty training. Spaying is the best solution, it completely eliminates piggy PMS and all risk of uterine tumors and infections.

Pigs are very odor-oriented. So that will be key in teaching her potty training. Start by getting her urine on something that will hold the odor, like an old towel. Thoroughly clean the bathroom floor and all other "accident" spots with any good product designed to remove pet urine odors. Put the urine-scented towel in the shower.

Keep piggy confined to a fairly small area when you are not with her. This forces her to choose just one potty spot and stick to it. Because you want her to pee in the bathroom, that's probably a good place for her. Put a bed and lots of toys in with her. If she's used to roaming free through the whole house, she'll probably be unhappy and complain loudly the first few times you do this. Make sure the gate or door that you use to hold her in is sturdy, because she will test it.

Take her to the potty often. When she first wakes up, before and after any meal, before letting her out of her bathroom. Make sure she really goes potty every time you take her to potty - no faking allowed! The idea is to keep her "empty" enough so that she does not have the urge to make a mistake.

When she's not confined to her room, keep her close to you, ideally, on a harness and leash. Do not let her near any spot where she's had a previous accident. Pigs learn quickly and unlearn slowly, it will be a few months before she re-learns that potty is allowed only in the designated potty spot. If you can, rearrange furniture or place something heavy on top of the accident spots, so that she just can not reach them.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think and why they do the things they do. She covers potty training in much more detail than I can here. Her book is available from