Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > brown crusties around pigs eyes and ears

brown crusties around pigs eyes and ears

22 9:18:10

I work at an animal shelter and we currently have a pot bellied pig waiting for a rescue group to be able to take it. Today it was noticed that the pig has brown crusties around its eyes and in its ears. Any ideas as to what is wrong or what I can do? Thanks!

Could be mange mites, give two injections of Ivermectin 14 days apart.
A strong possibility..
If the pig is overweight (most are) could be entropian regarding the eyes. This is an eye condition where the upper eyelashes point down, resting on the cornea, often doing great harm and causing tearing. Surgery is necessary....
most common in fat pigs.
Pigs normally have waxy ears that attract dirt. Cleaning with a warm wet washcloth works well, NEVER put liquid in a pig's ears.
I am not a vet, nor can see the pig,  so can only guess the causes.....