Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > problems with my mini pig!

problems with my mini pig!

22 9:13:36

I have looked at numerous sites & read many Q&As on here and none
seem to match my problems! my little mini pig is 5 1/2 months old it is a
girl. she was been grinding her teeth like crazy and I'm guessing it is from
teething? I'm unsure. also she is also a indoor piggy and latley is trying to
eat anything she can find and put in her mouth. I mean anything. and
when I try and stop her she tries to bite me and gets very angry. I'm sure
she gets feed enough by us so what can be the cause? and last but not
least my biggest worry is that around 4 am in the morning she wakes up
squealing freaking out and she is uncontrollable??! I'm so worried about
her and love her with all of my heart. I just want to make her happier. :(
please help! thanks, Marissa

You are correct about your piglet teething.  This can cause them some discomfort and they will act out.  
I would also want to ask if she is spayed?  She is the perfect age for her first heat cycle to start and this can also cause behavior problems.
Hope this helps and good luck to you,