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Pau - Pau Has a fever

22 9:11:51

My PBP Pau- Pau is 9 months old, hes had a stuffy nose for days. The vet came by and checked him out, he did not have a fever at that moment but had rattling in chest and watery eyes.He gave him a shot of antibiotics and said he should be fine. Well I think he has a fever now... I am going to get him some coconut water for the electrolytes...I am waiting to hear back from the vet,is there anything I can do in the mean time.

Thank you,

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. Pigs are prone to lung problems like pneumonia or infection from inhaling debris. Rattling in the chest could indicate either one of these problems.

Until your vet gets back in touch with you, keep piggy comfortable and well hydrated. A little orange juice diluted with water will give him a boost of vitamin C.