Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > rooting pigs...please help!

rooting pigs...please help!

22 9:18:29

hi i want to get a pig but im not allowed to if we can't train them to stop digging up the ground? is there any possibility that you can stop a pot bellie pig from ruining the garden? i dont want to put a ring through its nose or anything though,  just want to know if you can train it? please help me!! thanks from jas

Pot-bellied pigs and elegant landscaping just don't go together.
Pigs are born to root. Trying to keep a pig from rooting is like trying to keep a human baby from learning to walk.
Pigs confined inside enjoy Rooting Boxes (large boxes filled with small pebbles or balls), but, they still need time outside to root in the ground.
Many people use ordinary outdoor dog kennels or runs to keep their piggies from wandering. A small "garden" in the run gives them a place to play without harming the landscaping.
A single pig in the average backyard, especially if given separate fenced areas to root and play, normally won't cause a huge problem. But even the best behaved, best trained pig can escape and quickly destroy valuable landscape plants.
Pigs make wonderful pets, but they aren't the right pet for everyone.