Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > not using liter box

not using liter box

22 9:17:04

My senior pig is all of a sudden not pooping in her liter box. Nothing has changed in the household, and the rest of her behaviors remain the same. She is not sick. She just won't use her liter box to poop in anymore.

What has changed in her life?
This is very unusual.
Is the box big enough? Pig healthy?
Can you take her outside to poop?
Usually a change in an older pigs life is the culprit, but we understand your frustration.
Lead her into the box every 2 hours during the day....
Please consider our book "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at or
It will give you MUCH insight!
Priscilla Valentine