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my pig

22 9:11:53

I have a miniature/pot bellied pig. She is in the house and her bedding to go in the bathroom in is pellet horse bedding. She has lost her hair and it looks very dry and she scratches a lot. When she scratches it takes all her skin of turning it red. I am not sure if she is blowing her coat, just has dry skin, she is allergic to her bedding, or if its mange. I just want to know what is wrong with her. I gave her a bath today to maybe help her.

I would suggest that you worm her with Ivomec.  You can get it from your VET.  You will want to worm her at least twice 12 to 14 days apart.  You should also was her bedding and clean well where she sleeps.  If you worm her with Ivomec it will take care of inside and outside parasites.
Go to and then to their product page.   They have wonderful coat and skin supplements that will help with regrowth of her hair and keep her skin in a much better condition.
Hope this helps.