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Foam when eating

22 9:17:19

Hi, I have a 6 month old spade female named Spamela. She is very healthy weighing in at 70 lbs. She has a weird thing that goes on when she eats or when she begs though, her mouth foams up on the sides. The foam is white and doesn't smell I tend to think it is just her over salivating. She had her shots when she was fixed at 8 weeks. A neighbor that saw her doing this thought it was rabies, needless to say I nipped it in the bud real fast and explained she had her shots. She is my first PBP so I do not know if this is normal or not?

Oh yes that's perfectly normal. Pigs do foam at the mouth. Boars foam almost constantly, and it has a rather boar-ish scent. Females (fixed or intact) and fixed males will foam when they smell food or are thinking about food. They also foam when they are angry or grinding their teeth.

One of my pigs loves to sit outside when I am cooking and have the cooking fan on. She squeaks her teeth, smells the cooking food and foams like crazy!