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hurt bird

22 9:19:05

Followup To
Question -
My cat caught a dove.  The bird had one small puncture wound.  It is now swollen and red hot.  I need to lance it.  Please tell me the right way.  I think it needs to be done very soon.  Thank you.
Answer -
Chances are the bird will need antibiotics to fully recover. When an animal bites, the teeth push bacteria down inside the wound. When the bacteria gets into the bloodstream it can cause infections or problems in any part of the body. I strongly recommend taking the bird to a vet. Plus, wild birds often have parasites such as mites and ticks, the vet can address that too.
In the meantime, keep the bird quiet and warm (but not too hot!). Make sure he has feed and water.
Wrap the bird, or as much of him as you can, with a towel when handling him. This way if he struggles he is less likely to hurt you or escape.
The wound may or may not need to be lanced. If there is any sign of blood, or a scab, or opening in the skin, then just coat it with any good wound cream like Neosporin or Polysporin (the stuff for people) or Bag Balm (the stuff for animals).
If it does require lancing, use a sharp sewing needle sterilized with boiling water, rubbing alcohol, or a hand cleaning sanitizer. Quickly poke just the very tip into the swollen part. If pus oozes out, gently apply pressure to the area until it stops leaking, then cover it with the wound cream.
If nothing oozes out then the infection is far deep in the body, and the bird will need to see a vet (may require surgery or very strong antibiotics).
Good luck!

I poked it with a needle and blood came out.  I put antibotic cream over it.  I have access to liquid antibiotic, should I give him some of that.  I truly cannot afford to take him to a vet.  Is there any chance the infection could clear up on its own?  Thank you for your quick reply to my last question.

Well I am not trained in medicating birds, so I can't advise giving the bird the medicine. Perhaps your vet could give you some information over the phone?

Yes, there is a chance it will clear up on it's own. Keep the antibiotic cream on it, keep the bird quiet and warm. As long as he is eating and drinking it's a good sign.
