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Pot belly pig bleeding

21 18:03:12

My male pot belly pig is about 3 months old. We were all outside this morning and my husband noticed that he was bleeding from his penis area. It was a very little amount and stopped very quick but we don't know if this is a normal occurrence because we have never owned a pig before. We are going to get him fixed in the next couple of weeks before he starts becoming aggressive or humping things which we heard they will do. My husband thinks he may have started humping something outside and hurt himself. Could you please tell me if this is a normal occurrence?

Bleeding from this area is NOT normal. I think your husband is right, he may have injured himself somehow. At 3 months, most intact male pigs are already humping.

Wash the area carefully, see if you can figure out where the bleeding is coming from.

Danger signs are pus, swelling, a lot of blood or straining to pee. If he shows any of these signs, get him to a vet right away.