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Royal Dandies/Pocket Pigs

22 9:18:07

Hi Priscilla,

I have done a lot of research about adopting/purchasing a baby royal dandies or pocket pigs! I am currently graduating college in the fall and I would love to make and baby pig my family pet. Could you please tell me about adoptions, how to choose a healthy pig and bring a baby pig home for the first time. I will continue to do more research since I am not ready to adopt for the next couple of months.

First, I admire you for doing your research first.
Most people do not....that is why sanctuaries are up to their armpits in pigs that were supposed to be "tiny"!
If potbellied pigs were tiny, we all would have tiny adult pigs!
Plan on a pig that will weigh over 100# at 4 years of age.
Pictures of babies standing next to pop bottles or other props mean zilch.
Pigs GROW, and grow.
Potbellied pigs are the smallest, and still weigh only one tenth the size of a farm pig, plus a few pounds!
But don't expect a "pocket or teacup" (silly marketing terms) pig not to grow into the size of a "regular" pb  pig or larger!
Nature decided long ago that potbellied pigs are not tiny animals.
I wish they were, we travel with ours..for 17 years. We have yet to see a  FULLGROWN pig smaller than our 16 year old Nellie, at about 50#.
There will be no more Nellies, probably!
If size is a big issue, a pig is probably not for you.
Don't fall for marketing. Visit a pig sanctuary (and adopt)?
Please buy our book, "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at Amazon.
We wrote it to let you know if a pig is for you and to help guide you through the life of your pigs.
Priscilla Valentine