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Potbelly and new puppy

22 9:18:08


I have a one year old potbelly named Petunia.  We have just gotten a new puppy and Petunia is not happy with her new sibling.  How do we get Petunia to accept the puppy without hurting the puppy, as she is snapping at the puppy, as well as my husband.


I wish there was an easy answer.
Petunia feels like her sanctuary (home)  has be violated.
We generally advise people not to get puppies after purchasing pigs.
Supervision and monitoring might allow the pig to adjust.
Pigs have a pecking order and the pig is showing her dominance.
Punishing the pig will not help, she is doing what nature intended her to. Treating her as the dominant animal and extra attention will help.
Good luck,