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4 week old pot-bellied pig with fever

22 9:16:20

After reading some of your previous Q&A's I think one of our 6 piglets may have pneumonia.  I didn't know about pan feeding.  The local vets don't know anything about pot-bellied pigs and the large animal vet did not return my call.  Is there anything I can do for my little sick piggy and is there some trick or technique to ease the transition from bottle to pan feeding?  Thank you ahead of time for your time and for sharing your know-how.

As I am  not a Vet so I can only advise you that if your piglet is sick you really need to find a Vet who is knowledgeable about miniature pigs.
As I have no way of knowing what is actually wrong with your piglet I can't advise you in that area.
As far as transitioning your piglets over to a pan instead of a bottle...this is how I do it.
Put a pan of regular feed in the pen with them.  They will start investigating and playing in it.  They will soon discover that it taste good and start eating it.
Make sure water is available at all time.
We have special starter Chow on our web site that has extra supplements in it and is designed just for this purpose.
It has milk products in it as well and that really encourages them to eat it.
I would recommend the Vit/Min supplement also to get them of to a good start.
Good luck with all of them and let me know if I can help any further.
Take care,