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Pot belly & Babies

22 9:13:44

Hi Helen
My friend has two pot bellies, we noticed Ina starting to show. Since this morning the egg sack is becoming very prominet, she is aggressive towards Liquorice. She does not have a discharge but you can feel the babies kicking.

How long do you think it will be before they are born, I grew up on a smallholding and we will build a box tomorrow. What else can we do for her?
Thank you

Pot-bellied pigs gestation is about three months, three weeks and three days. Some piggies do not appear pregnant until just days before delivery. Others look like they are very pregnant for weeks before.

Sometimes a clear milk line will appear a day or two before delivery. But the most obvious sign of impending birth is usually a strong nesting instinct. A day or two before, Momma pig will pick a spot and build a nest. Sometimes they will pick some very strange objects to add to their nests!

The book Veterinary Care of Pot-Bellied Piglets by Lorrie Boldrick Blackburn has several chapters devoted to reproduction and piglet care, and I recommend it. Also, Priscilla Valentine's book Pot-bellied Pig Behavior and Training is great guide for socializing and training the baby piglets.