Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > torn hoof

torn hoof

22 9:14:06

Our 8wk old baby got startled and bolted. She had her front foot stuck and when she ran she pulled the "nail" 3/4's of the way off. We cleaned it w/saline, peroxcide & antibiotic cleanser. We then used neosporin w/pain relief, sterile gauze and wrapped it w/an ace type bandage. I know it hurts but its late Saturday night and our vet is unavailable till Monday morning. Is there anything we could or should do for our lil girl?  Any info w/be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

I'm sure this must be very painful. Sometimes it's difficult to find a vet at all, on a weekend it can be next to impossible.

You've done all the right things. Do change the bandage carefully if it gets wet or dirty. The only other thing is to keep her off her feet as much as possible until she sees the vet, to prevent any further damage. If the bed of the hoof is ok, it should grow out fine.