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Putting our 3-year old male pig up for adoption

22 9:15:17

 We cant seem to provide the attention that we used to be able to give our FatBoy and we would like to find a family that would be able to do so.Hes a great well behaved young man that loves attention and gets along very well with other family pets.We need help in finding that home and dont know where to begin and we are looking for any help that you can provide for us and FatBoy.

Unfortunately, good homes for pet pigs are few and far between. Most rescues and sanctuaries are overflowing.

Posting on Craigs List is a bad idea. People do eat pot-bellied pigs. Some people think Craigs List is a good place to find free meat. The USDA specifically bans pot-bellied pig meat from commercial pork processing. But people are free to kill and eat them on their own, or take them to a private slaughter house for processing.

The Pig Placement Network is a data base to match people looking for pigs with pigs looking for homes. It's a good place to start. You'll find resource lists and informative articles there.

A 3 year old pig is a mature adult, who has bonded with his family. He would rather get a little bit of attention from the people he knows and loves than from strangers. Rehomed adult pigs often go through a deep depression and have difficult adjusting.

FatBoy will settle down a lot over the next year or two. Older pigs often spend most of their time sleeping, and really don't need much attention.