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vaccinations and health

22 9:11:42

Hi I have been reading your advices and got several from you which helped me a lot in taking good care of my little pig Hommer who is now 3 and half month old and wights 5 killos!He is great so sweet and warm!it was so easy to get used to the house and me and never had any problems with him with the trainning. It seems he is learning right away what I want him to do. Also, loves to sleep in my arms and is very friendly to other people.
However, I got few questions - most importantly regarding washing him as he is living indoors I cope easily with cleaning him but after I have seen videos of pigs swimming I was so surprised because my pig is scared of water and even sprinkling him from bottle he runs away not saying what happends when he just hear the  water running in the shower!So I was wondering if should try getting him used to water or leave it in peace:)
Another thing I was worried is that now his teeth are growing and I notice few are turning black. My vet said is normal for pigs but I am not so sure as the place I live piglets are not popular and there are no minipigs vets.

About a month ago we had serious problems with him as he started getting attacks after sleeping he will start shaking and screeming for few minutes and looked in pain and after that will go back to normal. After such attack appeared few times we got him to the hospital and turned out after all tests that it might be from lack of calcium and some vitamines so I started feeding him with all different kinds of food and now it seems ok. He loved everything I gave him and attacks did not appear again. I have got all test results but as I said the vet cannot tell me anything 100% as they compare his results if they are normal to those of farm pigs so is more of a guessing method!I was wondering if you could tell me if there is any vet I could contact online in regards to analyzing the results?
Last but not least, recently there is a new law I heard that all pets need to get vaccination for rabies and according to other posts I read here there is no really need for pig to get one especially that he has no contact with wild animals or other pigs. However, I was wondering if I still need to get him vaccinated and if yes is it ok to use such vaccine for dogs/cats or special for smaller anymals?

Many thanks in advance!


Some pigs love water, others are so-so about it. A lot depends on the weather and the water. When the weather is hot, pigs can enjoy cool water. Warm water is better for washing them off. Pigs are not usually interested in swimming when it's cold out, especially if the water is cold, too.

The best way to keep a pig clean is with a sponge bath of warm water. Many people wipe their pigs feet every time the pig steps in the door. This can be difficult at first, but pretty soon the pig learns that stepping inside means getting clean feet, and he'll accept it.

Yes, pot-bellied pigs often have black streaks on their teeth. The color is not a problem.

I can not comment on the laws for your area. I know that where I live, dogs are required to get rabies shots, and it's recommended for cats that go outdoors. Both cats and dogs are far more likely to tangle with a sick animal than a pot-bellied pig is. A pig that spends most of his time indoors or outdoors in a secure pen is probably fairly safe from any contact with a rabid animal. Pigs are also surprisingly resistant to rabies, although in theory rabies can infect any mammal. In places where rabies vaccines are required, vets have used cat and dog rabies vaccinations.

Nutrition is a complicated issue. I suggest contacting Forgotten Angels Rescue & Education Center at They have several vets who are willing to consult with other vets, and they may be interested in your experiences with nutrition, particularly what you were feeding before and after.