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My pigs dirty ears and I tried to clean them

22 9:11:32

Hello, I just read you are not supposed to flush a pigs ears.  I have a 7 month old PB that I got from animal control when he was 3 months old.  He has always had dark brown, waxy dirty ears.  I've cleaned them with cotton balls and Q-Tips, and put some ear cleaner in them once.  That was several weeks ago.  Lately he has been shaking his head alot so I cleaned them again last night and got out not only the dark waxy substance but dark brown flakey which resembles ear mites in the cats I rescue also.  I have a possible home coming to look at him tomorrow and I don't want to send him on without knowing if he got ear mites from the cats and if so do I treat it the same? If I worm him with Ivermectin will it kill the ear mites too?  That is a common remedy for cat ear mites.  Thank You for your time and I guess I also need to know if there is anything i should do to counteract the Cerumene cleaner I put in his ears.

Ear mites are a common issue with pigs.
When I bath my pigs I usually give their ears a quick wash also.
I don't squirt the water directly into the ear but I rinse over it several times after I soap it a bit also.
As soon as I am done with the bath I clean and dry them good with towel, Kleenex and q-tips.
Then you can treat them with the same treatments that you use on dogs or cats.
Usually at least a couple of treatments a day or so apart is best.
Yes....Ivomec will kill the mite also and it also needs at least two doses 12 to 14 days apart for best results.
Hope this helps!