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pregnant pot bellied pig

22 9:15:22

My pig is approx. 8 months old and I have a male the same age. In June she started gaining weight and I thought I felt movement. I don't know how pregnant she may be and how long it will be until she gives birth. She has gotten a lot bigger and it is not as easy to feel the babies. I do still feel movement although it is slight. Taking her to the vet for an untrasound is not an option. I have a pen ready for her to have the babies in. I am really worried about how far along she is in her pregnancy. I know there is no way to know exactly without an ultrasound so I am just wondering if you know at what stage movement may be felt. She is small in stature for a pot bellied pig and is now twice the size of the male. Any help you may offer will be greatly appreciated.

Pot-bellied pigs average gestation is about 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days. Usually there are no outward signs until near the end of pregnancy, when the teats will begin to enlarge, called a "milk line" Piggy will begin nesting behavior a day or so before delivery.

An 8 month old is still a baby herself, piggies do not mature completely until they are 2 years old. She may be confused and not know what to do.

Feeling movement is not necessarily and indication of pregnancy. Pigs suffering from severe worm infestations will have movement in their bellies, sometimes the movement is visible just by looking. If the mother is infested with worms, the babies will be, too.