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First pig

22 9:15:31

Hi I'm kassi and I'm 13. We just got our first pet pig and are really happy to have him his name is bacon (lol) and he is very friendly and cuddly but theres a problem. Since he is still young we are used to him using his snout on our legs to strengthen it but recreantly he has been grinding his teeth to sharpen them and he will very rarely but sometimes attack us out of no where. I was just wondering if that is normal for him and if we should train him not to attack. If so could you please give me some pointers on how to train him on how not to attack us. It would be greatly appreciated thank you

First of all is you piglet neutered?  That is a must with a male piglet.
Pot bellied pigs have several sets of teeth.  You piglet is grinding his teeth as they are probably sore.  This is a natural thing for all PBPs.
As far a aggression it could be because he is cranky due to the teething but it still is not acceptable.
I would start with the neuter.  If he is already neutered Then you need to be very firm with him when he is aggressive.
Several methods will work.Keep a rolled up newspaper close at hand.  In fact use several of them so everyone has one. When he even starts to be aggressive use the newspaper on his rump or snout.
It doesn't hurt them but it makes a loud noise and scares them.
Try this technique and let me know how it works for you.
Good luck,